The City of Antigua, Guatemala, hosted the XXIV edition of the Central America and Caribbean Poultry Congress, taking place from November 9th to 11th, 2016, at the Hotel Museo Casa Santo Domingo. Within the technical-scientific program, health, immunity, production and management, among others, were approached. At the commercial area, NOREL team had the opportunity to present the lines of additives for use in poultry, mainly the range of physiological growth promoters, based on sodium butyrate (GUSTOR range), optimizer of egg quality (QUALITEGG), to the visitors, who gathered from different countries of Central America. Definitely the Central American and Caribbean Poultry Congress is a space that over the years has been consolidated as the meeting point for livestock and poultry representatives, taking place every two years. The XXV edition of this event will be held in 2018, in the City of San Pedro Sula, Honduras
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