Norel Brasil and Natural BR Feeds, commercial partner in the sale of NOREL products throughout Brazil, participated in the 3rd Simpósio Distrital de Suinocultura (held in the rural region of Brasilia, Federal District of Brazil).
The event was attended by more than 60 people related to pig farming such as technicians, farm managers and farmers.
The guiding theme of the symposium was ‘Are we ready to replace antibiotic growth promoters in pig farming?’ A topical issue in view of the increasing control and restriction of the use of antibiotic growth promoters in animal production in Brazil.
Throughout the conference, the importance of on-farm biosecurity and gut health for good animal performance was highlighted. Norel presented field results obtained in Brazilian farms, with the use of additives based on butyrate (Gustor N’RGY) and medium chain fatty acids (DICOSAN) and their impact on animal health and performance. In these studies, a reduction in both breeding and finishing mortality was obtained in two commercial full-cycle farms of approximately 1000 sows each. The farms were challenged by intestinal torsion mortality and the use of Dicosan reduced mortality from 2.76% to 1.43% on one farm and from 3.87% to 1.88% on the second farm, as well as increasing the final sale weight by 3kg per animal on both farms. At the end of the event there was a barbecue at which a southern-style pig was cooked.
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