The benefits of the use of butyrate protected on animal health has been described in the literature, but not all protections are equal. In previous studies (Ortiz, 2013) broilers receiving sodium butyrate protected with sodium salt of PFAD (GUSTOR N’RGY) had higher body weight than sodium butyrate coated with vegetable fat and control without additive and the economic analysis shows an improvement in the income over feed cost vs control (+10.3%) and sodium butyrate coated (+3.6%). The aim of this study, presented in IPSF 2015, was to evaluate the effect of two sources of butyric acid (sodium butyrate protected with sodium salt of PFAD (N’RGY) and ester of butyric acid with glycerol (MB)) on the production of broiler chickens in a field trial. The trial compared the performance of 19,603 broiler chickens (Ross 708), fed with the standard diet with 1.5 Kg of ester of butyric acid per ton of feed and 20,000 animals with a standard diet and 1 kg of sodium butyrate protected with salt of PFAD per ton of feed. The males in group with N’RGY had higher body weight (+8.8%) at day 28 than animals with MB (1.708 Kg vs 1.570 Kg). Also, the females in group with sodium butyrate protected with sodium salt of PFAD had higher weight than MB group (1.355 Kg vs 1.350 Kg). The feed conversion ratio of the MB was 60 g worse than N’RGY (1.9 vs 1.84). There were differences in mortality as well, the MB group had a mortality of 0.59% at day 7 and 1.18 % at day 28, and the N’RGY group had less mortality (0.54% at day 7 and 0.86% at day 28). It is concluded that the use of sodium butyrate protected with PFAD on broiler feeds allows higher growth, better FCR and less mortality than the use of MB in broiler flocks
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