At weaning, piglets are subjected to many physiological and environmental stressors, these can cause gastrointestinal disorders and a higher post-weaning diarrhea incidence that will affect the growth and health of the animals. NOREL SA carried out a trial with the product Fluidarom 1003, formulated with essential oils, to evaluate the effect on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the post-weaning diarrhea incidence. The trial compared a control diet containing 3% spray dried porcine plasma (SDPP) to see if the flavor conditioning through the sow’s diet with Fluidarom1003 could improve its performance. A total of 235 piglets weaned at 21 days were divided in two treatments: T1: Piglets supplied a starter feed with 3% SDPP; T2: piglets conditioned with Fluidarom 1003 supplied the same feed with SDPP plus Fluidarom 1003 (375g/t). On day 3 and 8 twelve piglets (6 per group) were sacrificed for a complete analysis of the gastrointestinal tract. The analysis of the GIT showed no significant differences in villus/crypt ratios between treatments, however T2 piglets presented a stomach pH 1.5 points lower than T1 at day 8 (p <0.001). On the other hand, piglets conditioned with Fluidarom 1003 (T2) had a 19.4% lower incidence of diarrhea than T1 group, with a probability of occurrence 3.8 times lower (p <0.001).The use of Fluidarom 1003 notably reduced the post-weaning diarrhea and improved the stomach pH of the piglets during the first week after weaning
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