
Effect of GUSTOR BP70 and Virginiamycin on Digestibility, Serum Metabolites and Performance of Broilers

Published: 22/03/2018
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The aim of the study (Riboty et al.,2016) was to evaluate the effect of Gustor BP70 (BP70) and virginamicyn (VM) on nutrient digestibility, metabolizable energy, serum metabolites and performance of broiler chickens. A completed randomized block design was used with 1071 one-day old Cobb 500 chickens. Three treatments were established: without antibiotics (T1), with 20 ppm of VM (T2) and with 700 ppm of BP70 (T3). In experiment 1, performance and serum metabolites were assessed in 903 chicks distributed in 3 treatments of 7 replicates. One chick per replica was bled at 11 and 31 days. In experiment 2, nutrient digestibility and metabolizable energy were determined in 168 chicks allocated in three treatments of 8 replicas. All excreta were collected between 10 – 13 and 30 – 33d. Dry matter, crude protein, fat digestibility, true metabolizable energy and true metabolizable energy corrected by nitrogen were higher with BP70 (P<0.01). BP70 increased cholesterol at 11d (p=0.04), it could be related with better intestinal integrity; besides lowered uric acid at 31d (P=0.02) respect to control and VM, respectively. Birds in BP70 group had better body weight gain (1.990, 2.006 and 2.096g; P=0.01, for T1, T2 and T3) and feed conversion ratio (1.80, 1.77 and 1.73; P<0.01, for T1, T2 and T3) than other treatments. These results suggest that Gustor BP70 can be used as a growth promoter in broilers chicken diets.

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