In 2015 Norel has celebrated its 35th anniversary. 35 years producing and bringing to the market non medicated feed ingredients, demonstrated to be necessary for an efficient animal production nowadays. At this time of the year it is common to look back, and compare the expectatives for the year with the achievements. Despite the raw material prices, excess of milk production in Spain and in Europe, political issues affecting meat international commercialization… Norel has managed not only to achieve budget expectatives, but also to grow well over them. It has been in this 2015, that the U.S. market has started to focus more and more in not using antibiotics in animal production, bringing safest products to the market. Many countries follow now the U.S. tendency, and Norel is there contributing with its 35 years experience. 2016 brings new challenges, there will be policies regarding environment that will affect animal production, raw material prices will vary, draughts… We will be flexible, will adapt and will end being stronger than we are now. NOREL wishes you a Happy New Year full of peace, hope and prosperity
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