This study (ASAS 2016) was conducted to evaluate if the addition of GUSTOR BP70 (BP70) to a pigs’ diet affected the level of Salmonella shedding in feces. The study was performed in a commercial Salmonella-infected fattening unit (8 pens, 110 pigs). Feed with 70% SODIUM butyrate protected with vegetable fat (3 kg/t) was administrated to animals from 4 randomly selected pens during the fattening period (4 months) (BP70). Pigs from the remaining 4 pens were fed the same diet without additive (CON). The Lower proportion of positive animals in BP70 was observed for samplings at 60d (4 vs. 0%), 90d (8 vs. 4%), and at slaughter (9.3 vs. 6.2%). In addition, the proportion of dead/withdrawn pigs in CON was significantly higher than in BP70 (13.7 vs. 1.9%; P=0.03). A higher (P<0.05) seroprevalence was observed in CON compared to BP70 for the sampling just before slaughter and for all cut-off values used (82.2 vs. 64.7%; 53.3 vs. 33.3% and 31.1 vs. 13.7%, at OD% ≥10, ≥20 and ≥40, respectively). Also, an overall significant positive relationship was observed between serology prior to slaughter (cut-off OD% ≥40) and shedding at slaughter (P<0.01). Results suggested that the addition of GUSTOR BP70 at 3 kg/t may reduce the shedding of Salmonella spp. under farm conditions. The lowest number of pigs removed from pens in BP70 also indicated an overall positive effect on health status of pigs in this group
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