Dosch Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. and Norel Animal Nutrition formally announced their collaboration for the dairy markets of India, Bangladesh and Nepal by participating in IAI EXPO 2011 on 1st to 3rd December 2011 in Karnal (Haryana), India. They named this partnership as the “The Winning Combination” which gave a total new outlook to this business relation. Visitors could see a big booth advertising Dosch and Norel logos. The exhibition was attended by people from many different countries, including vets, paraveterinarians, farmers and delegates from various dairy cooperatives in India. Dosch also arranged a quiz on Norel products and gave away many prizes to the participants. The response to this business agreement is well perceived by the cooperatives, dairy farmers and vets working with them. Norel’s expertise in feed additives and bypass fat and the marketing strength of Dosch will convert the business into “The Winning Combination” as rightly projected during the expo
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